
We warmly welcome you to the Palo Alto Friends Meeting. As an inclusive spiritual community, we embrace individuals from all backgrounds, affiliations, and expressions of sexuality.

Our Meeting for Worship takes place at 10:30 am every Sunday. We invite you to participate in an hour of collective meditation, humbly seeking the Light of God within and in the world that surrounds us. You’re welcome to attend in person at our Palo Alto or San Mateo Meeting locations or join us through Zoom.

Most meetings are hybrid, permitting both those online and those in-person to worship together. First Day School for children is also offered in a separate schoolhouse in front of the meetinghouse. Children join adults for the close of worship and announcements in the meeting room.

If you’re feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of COVID-19, we kindly ask that you avoid attending in-person worship and encourage you to seek medical advice. Our Meetinghouse has air purifiers, and masks are available should you wish to use one.

Online worship is available.Our practice is for online worshippers and in-person worshippers to join together via zoom. Thank you for observing our Online Worship Guidelines. If you’re visiting, we would love if you filled out our online guestbook.

Join Palo Alto Friends Meeting for Worship via Zoom

Most of our meetings for worship use the same link. Our main meeting for worship on Sundays begins at 10:30 AM. For times and links to other online meetings, as well as phone-in numbers, see the Calendar Page.

At the end of meeting, we make announcements. To request an item be announced at the end of Meeting for Worship, fill out this form.

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